As I write this article, the United States is going through a major recession and the job market is fierce. In fact, someone on the TV mentioned that there are six people on average applying for one job.
How do you stand out above the other six prospects that are applying for the same job? There are several things that you can do but there is one that is extremely powerful and works very well.
It is the thank you card.
I know that it isn't the coolest thing in the world but to the person who receives it, I can promise you that it is cool to them. It will stand out among the crowd instantly.
Out of the six people who apply for a job, you can bet almost none of them will send a thank you card after they get interviewed. If you are the person who sends a card after an interview, your chances of getting a call back will greatly increase.
The person that did the interview with you will enjoy getting a card in the mail because it is something that does not happen enough, and also, you will be perceived as a hard worker.
In closing, sending a thank you card after an interview is a powerful technique that few people ever take advantage of. If you combine this technique along with proper dress and showing up on time, you cannot help but to increase your chances of landing that dream job you want.
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