How you wear you're pubic hair is definitely a matter of choice, whether it's long, short, curly or straight, pubic hair should be well maintained. We've all been in the situation of giving oral satisfaction when a break is needed to extract a pubic hair from the back of the throat... not very sexy.
The style of pubic hair certainly changes by decade, with the sexual revolution and the first showing of porn films, pubic hair took on a decidedly bushy, all natural look. The 70's were showing similar hairlines though trimming started up towards the late 70's. The eighties were all about opulence and high cropped panties and bathing suits. Popular pubes included the typical porno "landing strip" (a thin vertical strip). The nineties had women shaving even more and waxing became all the rage as next to nothing was being left behind. Our modern times are all about the scandalous Brazilian, not one teeny tiny hair is left anywhere in the nether region. Sure sounds painful, and it is! I wonder how this prepubescent looking pube fashion ever came to be "Au rigeur" to begin with. Why should grown women lose it all in the name of fashion?
Whatever style you desire, here are some handy tips in keeping your nether region neat and clean. When shaving, be sure to lather up with a good shaving cream, conditioner is also a great moisturizing solution just be sure not to get it into the vagina. Use the warmest water you can stand to help open the pores and soften the hair. Once you are finished shaving, use a hair trimer or mustache trimer with an attachment to trim pubes to the desired length. Men can also use the trimmer or a small pair of manicure scissors. The cleanest way to groom is usually sitting on the can (toilet seat up) so all the clippings can be flushed away later.
If you do decide to try waxing, make sure you're not menstruating as this increases sensitivity and embarrassment as most waxers won't do the deed. One creative way to excite your lover is by having a "custom" wax done, either a heart on an initial. A new addition in pube maintenance is electrolysis, imagine never having to take a razor to your nether regions again! Though laser and electrolysis technologies don't come cheap, they are the ultimate way to just be done with the whole grooming process altogether. The best candidates are fair skinned people with dark thick hair.
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